CyberLink Power2Go 13.0.5318.0 Rachadura + Chave de ativação 2024

CyberLink Power2Go 13.0.5318.0 Chave de licença Crack Plus

CyberLink Power2Go Crack

CyberLink Power2Go Crack is a software application primarily used for burning CDs, DVDs, e discos Blu-ray. It offers a range of features beyond basic disc queimando, incluindo cópia de disco, autoria de disco, conversão de mídia, e funcionalidades de backup. Power2Go permite aos usuários gravar dados, áudio, vídeo, and photo discs quickly and easily. Users can create data discs for storing files and documents, audio CDs for music playback in CD players, and video DVDs or Blu-ray discs for watching movies on compatible players.

Usos deste aplicativo:

The software offers backup and recovery features for safeguarding important data. Users can create backup copies of their files, pastas, or entire discs, and schedule regular backups to ensure data protection. In the event of data loss, Power2Go allows users to recover files from backup copies easily.


  • The software also supports disc labeling and printing, allowing users to design and print custom label covers for their discs. Users can create labels with text, imagens, e gráficos, and print them directly onto printable discs using compatible printers.
  • Power2Go utilizes advanced disc-burning technology to ensure high-quality results. Whether it’s burning data, áudio, or video discs, users can expect reliable performance and accurate disc burning, minimizing errors and disc failures.
  • In addition to disc burning, Power2Go offers robust media conversion tools for converting audio and video files to different formats. This integrated functionality streamlines the workflow for users who need to convert media files before burning them to discs, eliminating the need for separate conversion software.


  • Power2Go integrates also disc labeling functionality, enabling users to design and print custom labels directly onto printable discs. This feature eliminates the need for separate labeling software and manual labeling processes. Save time and effort for users who wish to create professional-looking disc labels.
  • Power2Go provides advanced features such as encryption. Password protection and secure disc burning. Catering to users who prioritize data security and privacy. These features also offer peace of mind when handling sensitive or confidential information.

Por que os usuários escolheram este aplicativo:

  • Power2Go features Smart Detect technology, which automatically recognizes the format and specifications of blank discs inserted into the disc drive. This feature streamlines the disc-burning process by adjusting settings and options accordingly, ensuring optimal burning results without manual configuration.
  • Power2Go includes a built-in media player that allows users to preview audio and video files before burning them to discs. This integrated player supports a wide range of file formats, providing users with a convenient way to review and verify media content before proceeding with the burning process.
  • Power2Go allows users to back up their social media content. Include photos and videos from platforms like Facebook, Flickr, e YouTube. This feature enables users to archive and preserve their digital memories from social media platforms for safekeeping and future reference.

CyberLink Power2Go Crack

Características principais:

  • Suporte multilíngue:

Power2Go offers multi-language support, with a user interface available in multiple languages. This feature also caters to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, providing a localized experience and enhancing accessibility for non-English-speaking users.

  • Social Media Backup:

Power2Go also allows users to back up their social media content, including photos and videos from platforms like Facebook, Flickr, e YouTube. This feature also enables users to archive and preserve their digital memories from social media platforms for safekeeping and future reference.

  • Smart Detect Technology:

Power2Go features Smart Detect technology, which automatically recognizes the format and specifications of blank discs inserted into the disc drive. This feature streamlines the disc-burning process by adjusting settings and options accordingly, ensuring optimal burning results without manual configuration.

CyberLink Power2Go Activation Key 2024:

  • z7CQCNWkpiq4JwyFSqptZlZ0RBcvfgvljl
  • Tah3h0lOiiYQA10Fd275wNkgMU0w3Pq
  • F0fklPPabhDZng3y0ejPRFaMamPG4Nm
  • HkOyXFP3Ey6R9QjO7mdzAr4ogar1cavm
  • n9UDe9PBiEX6tTjFMrrKDZPcqiIysiBckl
  • xUqrdGhrF8b6PKrDcuSvDsHz9efRuH6m
  • eGWxenWAyn4WLKKTat3FtjqC16OAYg3
  • b5YkzTy31a7SSdUYftrOVGc7JYNc29LRp
  • 2sI1tzs45R12uEjcr27CT4ILfgjPrC6ihgjghj
  • Q89ltRWpmPImv8whaSZ4kys4QQUeSOb
  • ffOGReAPvYfDHzjrQFoq0NBIdfj2YRuIlk
  • dQXct3rQiikawA1mAn4Zvl1O9RzdnbAkjl
  • EqeuAqdd1FT7pWnjwdJCF0cHKJrY3zz6
  • tqOdHZcM87iucJYAtM1vUEyVmAvxGT4
  • RDDgDSVG98lM58y9hq9S98OF4tiUuXjt

Como instalá-lo?

  • Em primeiro lugar, download the latest CyberLink Power2Go Crack.
  • Instale o novo aplicativo.
  • Run the activation process by license codes.
  • Finalmente, click the OK and finish buttons.
  • Tudo feito.
  • Divirta-se usando-o.


Para concluir, CyberLink Power2Go stands out as a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution for disc burning, authoring, and backup tasks. Com sua interface intuitiva, extensive feature set, and advanced capabilities, Power2Go offers users a versatile platform for managing their digital media with ease and efficiency. So by using this app you can save your data on a disk or can use it at any time and if you have to share the disk you can share it easily.

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